Suspected Child Harm Report Instructions

Creating a Suspected Child Harm Report

Click “Incidents” in the sidebar on the left side of the screen.

Add a Suspected Child Harm Report by pressing the “New Suspected Child Harm Report” button on the upper right.

  • Department – Select from the departments in the drop down menu that this incident has occurred.
  • Incident Class – Refer to "Process of Incident Reporting" to select the class that best fits your incident.


  • Person Submitting Report – Provide the name of the person filling out the Suspected Child Harm report.
  • Person Disclosing – Provide the name of the person that has communicated the Suspected Child Harm.
  • Witnesses of the Disclosure –  Provide the name(s) of the person that witnessed the communicated Suspected Child Harm.
  • Date of Disclosure – When the Suspected Child Harm was communicated.
  • Time of Disclosure – As accurately as possible, record the time that the disclosure occurred.
  • Context of Disclosure – Use as much detail and clear and concise language to report the factors surrounding the disclosure. (Who was there? Where did the disclosure occur? What brought about the disclosure?)
  • Content of Disclosure – Use as much detail and clear and concise language to report the components of the disclosure. (Who was involved? Where did this occur? When did this occur? How did this occur?)
  • Dangerous Situation – Is/Are the child(ren) [where harm is suspected] currently in a dangerous situation?
  • Is a Church Worker Involved – Provide the name of the church worker involved in the Suspected Child Harm report if applicable.
  • How Did the Conversation Conclude – Report your actions and the specific that lead to the end of the conversation.

Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.