Events Management

The place to start when creating your RiskEZI assessment.

Documents Managment

Import Documents, WHS policies and other useful resources.

Incident Management

Relating to Incident, Accident and Suspectied child harm.

Settings - Administrative Instructions

As an administrator you have access to a number of settings that will allow you to craft your RiskEZI platform to meet your organisation's specific needs. These instructions are meant to help the administrator as they set up their RiskEZI site.

After you have logged in, you will be presented with your Dashboard. From here you can have a look around RiskEZI to familiarize yourself with the platform. If you would like to continue setting up organisation specific information, navigate to your side bar and click 'Settings'.

Managing Campuses

As an administrator you can define your RiskEZ campuses

Users - Access to RiskEZI

As an administrator you can View, Modify or Restrict RiskEZI users based on their defined 'Roles'.

Setting up Locations

As an administrator you can define campus specific event locations so RiskEZI users can use the pick list for pre-defined locations.

Departments Configuration

As an administrator you can manage the Team members and Leaders involved within each department.

Risk Assessments

Add a Risk Assessment that you can later select in your Event/Section.