Events Management

The place to start when creating your RiskEZI assessment.

Click “Events” in the sidebar on the left side of the screen.


Add an Event by pressing the + button in the upper right corner.

Event From

  • Event Type – Switch the ‘Event Type’ slider from Once Only to Repeated if your event is reoccuring.
  • For Repeated Event – Select from the options that best suits your Repeated Event.
  • Repeat Event Form
    Click “Confirm” when you have completed your “Repeat Event” details.

  • Department – Select the available departments from the drop down menu that has been populated for your church.
  • Event Title – The title of your regular or unique event.
  • Site – Select a location from the drop down menu that has been populated for your church. If there are no locations listed, the administrator will need to create them. See Locations.
    If your event does not apply to the locations in your drop down menu, select “Off Site”.
  • Address – Type the address of your location and the drop down should help provide it. This is only applicable if “Off Site.” was selected for your event location.
  • Event Times – A 24hr clock is used by typing the time in (HH:MM) or pressing the boxes and selecting from the drop down.
  • Event Dates – The future date that your events will be occurring. You can type the dates in DD/MM/YYYY format or use the calendar view to select your event start and end date.

Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

You will need to follow the previous steps of Creating an Event if your event has not yet been created.

You can add to, or modify your event’s team with persons on your church system.

  • Remove Team Member – You can remove a person by pressing the red x button next to a team member’s name. Team Name
  • Add Team Member – You can add a person by pressing the green + button, then start typing their name. Matching names will appear from a populated list as a drop down.

Add a Section, specific to your Event by pressing the blue “+ Add Section” button.

  • Title – Add a title that describes your section. (e.g. Townsville-Youth: Set Up)
  • Notes – At this point you can add general instructions to your event section or leave blank.
  • Edit or Remove an Existing Section – After you have added a Section, you can edit it by pressing on the Edit button. You can then remove it by pressing on the Trash Can button (in the edit section).

Add a Risk Assessment specific to your Event Section by pressing the green “+Add Risk Assessment” button. Risk Assessments are pre-defined activities designed to be reused for multiple events.

Existing Risk Assessment
  • Add an Existing Risk Assessment – Enter the name of an existing risk assessment in the “Enter Risk Assessment name…” field and select the desired risk assessment from the drop down list by pressing the “Add to Event” button.
  • Edit an Existing Risk Assessment - After you have added the risk assessment, you can edit it by pressing on the Edit button. This will create a new copy of that risk assessment so not to alter previous events. However, if an existing risk assessment has already been approved as Safe Work Practice by administration, the edit option will not be available.
  • Remove an Existing Risk Assessment – After you have added a risk assessment, you can remove it by pressing on the Trash Can button.
New Risk Assessment
  • Create New Risk Assessment – Create a new risk assessment by pressing the green “New Risk Assessment” button next to the “Enter Risk Assessment name…” search field.
  • Title – As a recommendation, the title should start with the category (e.g. Game) and then the specific name to help find it for reuse. No Event specific title should be used here.
    •       Examples:
      • Game-Balloon Dart Game
      • Swimming-Pool
      • Vehicle-Driving Personal Vehicle
  • Tag String – Supply tags to categorize your Risk Assessment for future use.
  • Notes – Specific notes to describe and instruct on the risk assessment activity.
  • Risk Matrix – Completing the Risk Matrix section of a risk assessment is not necessary if no hazard or risk is identified but must be completed if a risk or hazard is identified. Press the gray “+Add Row” button if a risk matrix is necessary.
  • Hazard/Risk – Write in the identified hazard or risk. Add additional Hazards/Risks by pressing the grey “+Add Row” button below. Remove additional Hazards/Risks by pressing the red Trash Can button on the right.
  • Without Control Measure – Carry out risk assessment without additional control measures (i.e. probability then severity). A risk assessment Class will appear upon completion.
  • Control Measure – Write in the control measures with consideration of hierarchy of controls. Read "Considering Risk Assessment" for more information.
  • With Control Measure – Carry out risk assessment with control measures consideration (i.e. probability then severity). A risk assessment Class will appear upon completion.

Press Submit to add your new Risk Assessment to your Event.

When you have completed the Event, press the green Self Approval button. 

Modifying, Duplicating or Cancelling an Existing Event

Click “Events” in the sidebar on the left side of the screen.

Locate the existing Event that you would like to work on by scrolling through the list view or using the filters located at the top of the screen.

Once you have located the Event you would like to modify, double click on the row, or press the Magnifying Glass button.

  • Modify an Existing Event – Click on the orange Edit button in the upper right corner if you would like to update or change details about your existing Event. If Self Approval has already been given, the Edit button will not be visible. Press the green, Remove Approval to make changes button at the bottom in order to continue modifying.
  • Duplicate an Existing Event – Click on the orange, “Duplicate” button in the upper right corner to use an existing Event as a template for your new Event.
  • Cancelling an Existing Event – Click on the red, “Cancel Event” button.


A log of approved, cancelled or removal of approval to make changes, is kept in the Comments section.